LinuxMCE-0810 alpha1

From LinuxMCE
Revision as of 08:24, 2 December 2008 by Marie.o (Talk | contribs) (Added note from tkmedia regarding setup of diskless MD.)

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LinuxMCE-0810-alpha1 is a test release build from the sources available in the LinuxMCE-0810 branch of SVN. It is missing several components of which the sources are not publicly available.


  1. Install Kubuntu Intrepid, update it and enable the restricted (video) drivers if needed. (download Kubuntu 8.10 release)
  2. Grab the latest installer script from here, unpack them and change into the freshly created new-installer directory.
  3. Run the following scripts (as root, in order):,,
  4. Reboot, wait for the activity to stop (see progress on console 8).

In other words, after installing Kubuntu and upgrading it etcetera:

sudo su - #This might ask for the password you specified earlier during the install of kubuntu.
wget -c
tar xvf new-installer-alpha1.tar.bz2
cd new-installer

Setup Diskless MD

  1. /usr/pluto/bin/
  2. Boot MD
  3. Rundiskless setup fails, but the device gets created
  4. Change md to i386 in webadmin -> rebuild image
  5. On the core
    1. chroot /us/pluto/diskless/<##>
    2. passwd
    3. Login to MD as root
    4. apt-get install nvividia-glx-177
    5. copy valid xorg.conf from etc/X11 to /usr/pluto/diskless/##/etc/X11
  6. Reboot MD. Now, the AV Wizard should come up

Known Problems

For known problems please look at LinuxMCE-0810_alpha0