Linksys SPA3000
General Information
The Sipura (now bought out by Linksys) spa 3000 is a pstn (analog phone line) to Asterisk gateway device that provides a SIP interface for 1 FXO port (analog phone line) and 1 FXS port (analog phone). This allows you to use the Telecom section of LMCE, and use Asterisk to send/recieve/route phone calls.
Most office environments have a phone in each room with their own extension number. Most homes, however, are set up with 1 common line (extension) that all phones are connected to - when a call comes in, all phones ring together. LMCE will allow you to have either setup (if you have enough FXS ports to support the number of extensions you want). Since the spa 3000 has only 1 FXS port, I am going to show you how to set it up so that all phones on the main house phone line will be treated as one extension and ring together. The picture below illustrates the installation method that I'm going to outline here.
Another interesting feature of the spa3000, is that if the LMCE network goes down, or if there is a loss of power, the spa3000 will bridge the FXO and FXS ports, bypassing LMCE and Asterisk alltogether, so that you will still have use of your phones in such emergencies.
Also, please realize that these instructions are for manually setting up the spa3000. In the near future, the process will be automated, and if this feature is available at the time you are reading this, then you should go the automatic route.
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