Installing 0810
Internet Installation
- Install Kubuntu Intrepid desktop and update it. (download Kubuntu 8.10 desktop release from one of these: Northeastern University Mirror, USA, Mannheim University Mirror, Germany) Currently, only the 32bit version of LinuxMCE is available. Only download the i386 version of 8.10 Kubuntu, even if your system can support 64bit versions.
- Run aptitude update and aptitude dist-upgrade to get the latest Kubuntu updates.
- Grab the latest installer script from here, unpack them and change into the freshly created new-installer directory.
- Run the following scripts (as root, in order):,,
- Reboot, wait for the activity to stop (see progress on console 8).
EDIT: MAKE SURE YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION IS ON ETH0! (For linux Newbies ETH0 is probably the network card on your motherboard...or plug all NICs into a switch that has Internet access)
In other words, after installing Kubuntu:
sudo su - #This might ask for the password you specified earlier during the install of kubuntu. apt-get update apt-get -y -f dist-upgrade wget -c tar xvf new-installer-beta2.tar.gz cd new-installer ./ ./ ./ reboot
DVD Installation
However, if you want to install the DVD, grab it via the torrent here.
Upon DVD boot, select LinuxMCE install. This will install a regular Kubuntu 810 system, with an additional button on the desktop to install LinuxMCE upon restart. Let Kubuntu's install run through, and after restart, login. Open a terminal and run
sudo su - #This might ask for the password you specified earlier during the install of kubuntu. apt-get update apt-get -y -f dist-upgrade
Once you have done this, you can go to the Desktop and double click on the LinuxMCE icon. This will run the in /root/new-installer and install LinuxMCE-0810 on top of you updated Kubuntu installation.
The DVD installer per default does not create the initial MD image, as that creation takes a very long time, and most people probably prefer to give 810 a test, without the MDs. If you want to setup MDs, you have to manually run
(You should only have to do this once)
If you have problems running, check this article.
If you then have problems netbooting your diskless media directors because you are receiving the error message "Diskless Setup Failed", check this article.