Panasonic IP Control over PHP
From LinuxMCE
Revision as of 13:11, 23 August 2012 by Marie.o (Talk | contribs) (Copy pastebin into our wiki as to not loosing it.)
Found the following browsing the web in a pastebin:
<?php class vieraControl { public $host; function __construct($hostname = false) { if ($hostname) $this->host = $hostname; } function createRequest($url, $urn, $action, $option = array()) { $input = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="" s:encodingStyle=""> <s:Body> <u:'.$action.' xmlns:u="urn:'.$urn.'"> '.$option['args'].' </u:'.$action.'> </s:Body> </s:Envelope>'; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://'.$this->host.':55000/'.$url); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('SOAPACTION: "urn:'.$urn.'#'.$action.'"')); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $input); //curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $data = curl_exec($curl); if ($option['returnXml']) return $data; else return $this->getResponse($data); } function getResponse($data) { $xml = simplexml_load_string($data); if ($xml === false) return false; $ns = $xml->getNamespaces(true); $soap = $xml->children($ns['s']); $res = $soap->children($ns['u'])->children(); return $res[0]; } function getVolume() { return $this->createRequest( 'dmr/control_0', 'schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1', 'GetVolume', array('args' => '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel>') ); } function sendKey($keyCode) { return $this->createRequest( 'nrc/control_0', 'panasonic-com:service:p00NetworkControl:1', 'X_SendKey', array( 'args' => '<X_KeyEvent>' . $keyCode . '</X_KeyEvent>', 'returnXml' => true ) ); } function getMute() { return $this->createRequest( 'dmr/control_0', 'schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1', 'GetMute', array('args' => '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel>') ); } function setMute($enable = false) { $data = ($enable) ? '1' : '0'; return $this->createRequest( 'dmr/control_0', 'schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1', 'SetMute', array('args' => '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel><DesiredMute>'.$data.'</DesiredMute>') ); } function setVolume($volume = '0') { $volume = intval($volume); if ($volume > 100 || $volume < 0) throw new Exception('Bad request to volume control. Must be between 0 and 100'); return $this->createRequest( 'dmr/control_0', 'schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1', 'SetVolume', array('args' => '<InstanceID>0</InstanceID><Channel>Master</Channel><DesiredVolume>'.$volume.'</DesiredVolume>', 'returnXml' = > true) ); } function sendString($string) { return $this->createRequest( 'nrc/control_0', 'panasonic-com:service:p00NetworkControl:1', 'X_SendString', array( 'args' => '<X_String>' . $string . '</X_String>', 'returnXml' => true ) ); } } $keys = array( "NRC_CH_DOWN-ONOFF", // channel down "NRC_CH_UP-ONOFF", // channel up "NRC_VOLUP-ONOFF", // volume up "NRC_VOLDOWN-ONOFF", // volume down "NRC_MUTE-ONOFF", // mute "NRC_TV-ONOFF", // TV "NRC_CHG_INPUT-ONOFF", // AV, "NRC_RED-ONOFF", // red "NRC_GREEN-ONOFF", // green "NRC_YELLOW-ONOFF", // yellow "NRC_BLUE-ONOFF", // blue "NRC_VTOOLS-ONOFF", // VIERA tools "NRC_CANCEL-ONOFF", // Cancel / Exit "NRC_SUBMENU-ONOFF", // Option "NRC_RETURN-ONOFF", // Return "NRC_ENTER-ONOFF", // Control Center click / enter "NRC_RIGHT-ONOFF", // Control RIGHT "NRC_LEFT-ONOFF", // Control LEFT "NRC_UP-ONOFF", // Control UP "NRC_DOWN-ONOFF", // Control DOWN "NRC_3D-ONOFF", // 3D button "NRC_SD_CARD-ONOFF", // SD-card "NRC_DISP_MODE-ONOFF", // Display mode / Aspect ratio "NRC_MENU-ONOFF", // Menu "NRC_INTERNET-ONOFF", // VIERA connect "NRC_VIERA_LINK-ONOFF", // VIERA link "NRC_EPG-ONOFF", // Guide / EPG "NRC_TEXT-ONOFF", // Text / TTV "NRC_STTL-ONOFF", // STTL / Subtitles "NRC_INFO-ONOFF", // info "NRC_INDEX-ONOFF", // TTV index "NRC_HOLD-ONOFF", // TTV hold / image freeze "NRC_R_TUNE-ONOFF", // Last view "NRC_POWER-ONOFF", // Power off "NRC_REW-ONOFF", // rewind "NRC_PLAY-ONOFF", // play "NRC_FF-ONOFF", // fast forward "NRC_SKIP_PREV-ONOFF", // skip previous "NRC_PAUSE-ONOFF", // pause "NRC_SKIP_NEXT-ONOFF", // skip next "NRC_STOP-ONOFF", // stop "NRC_REC-ONOFF", // record // numeric buttons "NRC_D1-ONOFF", "NRC_D2-ONOFF", "NRC_D3-ONOFF", "NRC_D4-ONOFF", "NRC_D5-ONOFF", "NRC_D6-ONOFF", "NRC_D7-ONOFF", "NRC_D8-ONOFF", "NRC_D9-ONOFF", "NRC_D0-ONOFF", // The below commands were not avaliable in the iPhone app when using my // VIERA G30 - they were pulled out from a disassembly instead // only these top three did anything on my TV "NRC_P_NR-ONOFF", // P-NR (Noise reduction) "NRC_OFFTIMER-ONOFF", // off timer "NRC_R_TUNE-ONOFF", // Seems to do the same as INFO "NRC_CHG_NETWORK-ONOFF", "NRC_CC-ONOFF", "NRC_SAP-ONOFF", "NRC_RECLIST-ONOFF", "NRC_DRIVE-ONOFF", "NRC_DATA-ONOFF", "NRC_BD-ONOFF", "NRC_FAVORITE-ONOFF", "NRC_DIGA_CTL-ONOFF", "NRC_VOD-ONOFF", "NRC_ECO-ONOFF", "NRC_GAME-ONOFF", "NRC_EZ_SYNC-ONOFF", "NRC_PICTAI-ONOFF", "NRC_MPX-ONOFF", "NRC_SPLIT-ONOFF", "NRC_SWAP-ONOFF", "NRC_R_SCREEN-ONOFF", "NRC_30S_SKIP-ONOFF", "NRC_PROG-ONOFF", "NRC_TV_MUTE_ON-ONOFF", "NRC_TV_MUTE_OFF-ONOFF", "NRC_DMS_CH_UP-ONOFF", "NRC_DMS_CH_DOWN-ONOFF" );