Packaging for shapshots 10.04

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This is a running experiment for increasing the use of native storage of packages on DVD's pressed from a builder. I will explain what I have done, and what I believe will produce the desired results.

I began by copying every .deb on a fully installed 810 system into a new directory (/var/pluto/apt-cache) on a fresh 1004 Kubuntu install. I took the Packages files, merged them, copied the new large Packages file into the new directory.

I then added the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list

deb file:///var/pluto/apt-cache /

I then registered and tarred Packages with a tiny script. I recommend keeping it a script as EVERYTHING isn't going to fit on a DVD, so as you add and remove things you will need to re-run it.

#! /bin/bash
cd /var/pluto/apt-cache
dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz

I called it lmcepac, and I put it in /usr/bin chmod u+x /usr/bin/lmcepac

From there I did a normal pre-install-from-repo/mce-install/ Unfortunately most of the larger packages are on new versions for 1004, but not all of them. I believe that I can take the lists of installed packages from my logs, weed out HW specific ones, and edit the Packages file to correspond with the .debs. The first easiest thing to do is copy over all debs after a completed install to a directory on my NAS. I will apt-get -d the entire list as well.

Then on a builder, after fresh install, and our /var/pluto/apt-cache folder full of goodies

/apt-get update
/apt-get dist-upgrade

From there a diff of the new local cache and /var/cache/apt/archives... remove redundancies/older versions and re-register its packages using the same modified script. It will then, on install, keep what it wants in there, and the new directory can be crushed and repo removed, but for building MD's it should probably be left in tact. And then a normal press with whatever files (and corresponding Packages file) you want native. The install scripts will still install everything in the correct order... just much faster. Installing vrms will list non-free packages to be removed from the master list, and on 1004, before avwizard, it isn't much.
