Roku 2
From LinuxMCE
The new Roku 2 boxes can be controlled via a REST interface at port 8060, I am writing a new driver to utilize this. --Tschak909 05:23, 23 May 2013 (CEST)
There is a device template for this, DT #2049. Add that to your system, controlled by the media director (for example Hybrid/core). Quick reload your system, and regenerate the screens, and you might get lucky with a new scenario button in the media row.
If the scenario button does not get created, you can create one manually in web admin by following the next few steps:
- Wizard / Scenarios / Media Scenarios
- Name it roku and select the EA it is in
- Select the roku from the drop down
- You should get a selection of media types, it should be Internet Media
- Done!
- Quick reload, answer yes to regenerate your orbiters, and a couple of minutes later everything is fine.
SDK Documentation