EPG On Orbiter
The EPG screen for the orbiter would work like the file listing of the video and audio screens.
Different Sorted By
- Sorted by On Now
- Sorted by On Next
- Sorted by On Current Station
- Sorted by By Station
Sorted by On Now
This displays a list of currently running broadcasts. Clicking on a broadcasts shows a detail screen, allowing switching to the station and/or recording that program
Sorted by On Next
This displays a list of upcoming broadcast. Clicking on a broadcasts shows a detail screen, allowing switching to the station and/or recording that program
Sorted by On Current Station
This displays a list of all broadcasts from now on, on the current station. Clicking on a broadcasts shows a detail screen, allowing viewing and/or recording of that program
Sorted by Station
This displays a list of all available stations, without current program information. Clicking on a station, shows the same information as On Current Station.