From LinuxMCE
Version | Status | Date Updated | Updated By |
710 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
810 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
1004 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
1204 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
1404 | Unknown | N/A | N/A |
Usage Information |
####################################### # Threaded RubyCommand # Written by Dan Damron ####################################### class Device #Child Device Holder attr_accessor :devdata, :deviceid, :template, :parent, :onoff, :level def initialize() @onoff = 'OFF' #State @level = 0 #Level @devdata = #to hold devdata @deviceid = @template = @parent = 0 end end class Devices #holder for Child Devices def initialize @devices = end def append(device) #Device Object @devices[device.deviceid] = device end def find(value) #this method finds the devdata[12] and returns the child ID @result = 0 log('Looking up:' + value.to_s) @devices.each_key{|d| if @devices[d].devdata[12] == value @result = @devices[d].deviceid end} log('In Devices:find() result:' + @result.to_s) return @result end def [](value) #return the device. return @devices[value] end def log(line) #logger @log ="/var/log/pluto/" + $me.deviceid.to_s + "_Generic_Serial_Device.log", "a") @log.putc '('[0] @log.putc 'D'[0] @log.putc 'E'[0] @log.putc 'V'[0] @log.putc 'I'[0] @log.putc 'C'[0] @log.putc 'E'[0] @log.putc 'S'[0] @log.putc ')'[0] @l = line.to_s @l.each_byte{|ch| @log.putc ch if ch == 60 @log.putc 32 end } @log.puts @log.close @log = nil end end RED = 0x1b.chr + '[31m' GREEN = 0x1b.chr + '[32m' YELLOW = 0x1b.chr + '[33m' BLUE = 0x1b.chr + '[34m' PURPLE = 0x1b.chr + '[35m' AQUA = 0x1b.chr + '[36m' GREY = 0x1b.chr + '[37m' REDBACK = 0x1b.chr + '[41m' GREENBACK = 0x1b.chr + '[42m' YELLOWBACK = 0x1b.chr + '[43m' BLUEBACK = 0x1b.chr + '[44m' PURPLEBACK = 0x1b.chr + '[45m' AQUABACK = 0x1b.chr + '[46m' GREYBACK = 0x1b.chr + '[47m' BLACKBACK = 0x1b.chr + '[48m' DCEtoGSD = 10 GSDtoDCE = 20 NotReady = 1 SendReady = 2 ReceiveReady = 3 Complete = 4 Failed = 5 ############################## # Methods for $commands[] queue ############################## def dataIn(value) #log('DataIn Entered:') $commands.each{|cmd| if cmd.state == ReceiveReady #only ReceiveReady cmds. if cmd.dataIn(value) == true #this data was accepted if TRUE @newcmd = cmd.commandHolder #check for new command if @newcmd != nil log(YELLOW + 'This command is spawning!!!' + GREY) $commands.push @newcmd #if so, push it onto the queue end if cmd.state == SendReady log('DataIn: Ready to Send.') dataOutSingleCmd(cmd) end if cmd.state == Complete if cmd.threaded == false log(YELLOW + 'Threading RESUMED' + GREY) $threadingSuspended = false #allow other commands to now transmit. end log(PURPLE + 'DataIn:Command Complete!' + GREY) $commands.delete(cmd) #remove command if complete end if cmd.state == Failed log(RED + 'DataIn:This Command FAILED:' + GREY) log(YELLOW + cmd.inspect + GREY) #inspect the failed command log('Command Deleted.') $commands.delete(cmd) #remove command if failed end return end end } #if we hit here, the data has been rejected by all current commands. log('dataIn: New Command:') c = c.dataIn(value) # sets up the command. dataOutSingleCmd(c) if c.state == SendReady #check to see if it's ready to send $commands.push c.clone #push a copy of it onto the queue. c = nil #dataOut() #safer to call it in turn. #log('DataIn Exited:') end def dataOut() #replaces send() log('dataOut Entered:') #Send out all the commands... $commands.each{|cmd| dataOutSingleCmd(cmd) if cmd.state == Complete log(PURPLE + 'DataOut:Command Complete!' + GREY) $commands.delete(cmd) end if cmd.state == Failed log(RED + 'DataOut:This Command FAILED:' + GREY) log(YELLOW + cmd.inspect + GREY) #inspect the failed command log('Command Deleted.') $commands.delete(cmd) #remove command if failed end } #log('dataOut Exited:') end def dataOutSingleCmd(cmd) log('dataOutSingleCmd Entered:') if cmd.state == SendReady #send out only if ready. @out = cmd.dataOut log('got past cmd.dataOut') log('@out is type:' + @out.class.to_s) case @out.class.to_s when 'String' log('Threading Suspended = FALSE') if $threadingSuspended == false log('Threading Suspended = TRUE') if $threadingSuspended == true if $threadingSuspended == false conn_.Reconnect() log('Sending to GSD...') debugout(@out) conn_.Send(@out) debugout(@out) conn_.Send(@out) sleep $delayBetweenTransmits if cmd.threaded == false log(YELLOW + 'THREADING SUSPENDED!!!' + GREY) $threadingSuspended == true end else #cannot send data out while waiting for a NON threaded response. end when 'Command' log('Sending to DCE...') SendCommand(@out) when 'NilClass' #safety first! log('This command not ready to send.') end end #log('dataOutSingleCmd Exited:') end def log(line) $log ="/var/log/pluto/" + device_.devid_.to_s + "_Generic_Serial_Device.log", "a") $log.putc '('[0] $log.putc '*'[0] $log.putc '*'[0] $log.putc '*'[0] $log.putc ')'[0] @l = line.to_s @l.each_byte{|ch| $log.putc ch if ch == 60 $log.putc 32 end } $log.puts $log.close end def debugout(text) work = 'OUT:' for c in 1..text.length work += padhex("%X" %text[c-1]) + ' ' end log(GREEN + work + "Length:" + text.length.to_s + GREY) end def debug(label, text) work = label + ":" for c in 1..text.length work += padhex("%X" %text[c-1]) + ' ' end log(BLUE + work + "Length:" + text.length.to_s + GREY) end def debugin(text) work = 'IN:' for c in 1..text.length work += padhex("%X" %text[c-1]) + ' ' end log(RED + work + "Length:" + text.length.to_s + GREY) end def padhex(hex) if hex.length==1 hex = "0" + hex end return hex end ############################## #Initialization Routine ############################## def initDevices() #Loads Child Devices into Devices $threadingSuspended = false $timeout = 1 #Global timeout $retryAttempts = 10 #Global Retry Attempts $delayBetweenTransmits = 0.4 log(YELLOW + 'Loading Child Devices...' + GREY) $devices = device_.childdevices_.keys.each{|c| #Populate children d = #create a new device d.deviceid = c d.template = device_.childdevices_[c].devtemplid_ d.parent = device_.childdevices_[c].parent_ d.devdata = device_.childdevices_[c].devdata_ $devices.append(d) #add d to $devices log('Device:' + d.deviceid.to_s)} $me = #get MY info $me.deviceid = device_.devid_ $me.parent = device_.parent_ $me.devdata = [] $me.devdata = device_.devdata_ $me.onoff = "ON" $me.level = 100 myusercode = "My Usercode: %X" %$me.devdata[59].to_i #show in hex form log(myusercode) log(YELLOW + 'Done.' + GREY) #devdata[59] = usercode log(YELLOW + 'Setting up Command Queue' + GREY) #dedata[249] = 3phase (boolean) $commands = log(YELLOW + 'Done.' + GREY) #TODO: read all the PLC devices to get initial status. #TODO: and report status back to lmce. end def errorHandler # threaded errorhandler #Error handling is now handled at the RubyCommand Level. if $commands.nitems != 0 #log out the commands waiting to be processed, if any. @work = YELLOW + 'Command Queue:' + $commands.nitems.to_s $commands.each{|cm| @work += ', State:' @work += 'NEW' if cm.state == 1 @work += 'SendReady' if cm.state == 2 @work += 'ReceiveReady' if cm.state == 3 @work += 'Complete' if cm.state == 4 @work += 'Failed' if cm.state == 5 @work += GREY + ' '} log(@work) end $commands.each{|cmd| case cmd.state #possible to clear out commands here.. when Complete $commands.delete(cmd) # when SendReady # dataOutSingleCmd(cmd) when ReceiveReady if cmd.timeout == true #call the timeout and get back error. log(RED + 'This Command Timed Out!:' + GREY) log(RED + cmd.inspect + GREY) $commands.delete(cmd) else dataOutSingleCmd(cmd) end end } end ############################## #Class RubyCommand ############################## class RubyCommand # This class is a container for a protocolObject Instance. # This class is responsible for the DIRECTION of communication of a specific command. # # Error Handling is also handled in the timeout method. # # If this command creates a NEW command, this object will allow only ONE creation. # This class also controls the state information. # Constants: DCEtoGSD = 10 GSDtoDCE = 20 #Object States: NEW = 1 SendReady = 2 ReceiveReady = 3 Complete = 4 Failed = 5 def initialize #log('Initialize Entered:') @protocolObject = @direction = nil @timeoutCounter = 0 @timeoutRetries = 0 @state = NEW @serialNumber = rand(10000).to_s #for DCE object @newCommandSent = false #log('Initialize Exited:') end def dataIn(cmd) #Returns TRUE if accepted, FALSE if not. #log('dataIn Entered:') case @state when NEW log('dataIn: creating NEW command') @savedCommand = cmd case cmd.class.to_s when 'String' # new Command from GSD @direction = GSDtoDCE @protocolObject.gsdCommandIn(cmd) @state = SendReady #This command is ready to send. when 'Command' # new Command from DCE @direction = DCEtoGSD @protocolObject.dceCommandIn(cmd) @state = SendReady #This command is ready to send. else log('FAILURE IN dataIn - cmd.class not recognized!') log('Direction: nil') log('class is:' + cmd.class.to_s) @state = Failed #fail this command. (remove it) end @result = true #returns datain Accepted. when ReceiveReady #Possible Response log('dataIn: Possible Response') @result = false @class = cmd.class.to_s #get this only once. case @direction when DCEtoGSD case @class when 'String' # from GSD #log('dataIn: class is STRING') #pass the data to the protocol Object and check for accepted. #log('dataIn: executing gsdResponseIn') if @protocolObject.gsdResponseIn(cmd) == true log('response Accepted.') @result = true if @protocolObject.responseNeeded == true log('Command not yet complete.') @state = ReceiveReady # ProtocolObject needs another response. else log('Command Complete.') @state = Complete # ProtocolObject is complete. end else log('response Rejected!') end when 'Command' # from DCE #log('dataIn: class is COMMAND') @result = false # cmd is NOT for me. else log('FAILURE IN dataIn - cmd.class not recognised!') log('Direction: DCEtoGSD') log('class is:' + @class.to_s) @result = false end when GSDtoDCE case @class when 'String' # from GSD @result = false # not for me. when 'Command' # POSSIBLE when sending commands to self. if cmd.params_[999] == @serialNumber @result = true #I sent this command! log('Caught Command Sent to Self!') end else log('FAILURE IN dataIn - cmd.class not recognised!') log('Direction: GSDtoDCE') log('class is:' + @class.to_s) end end #log('dataIn: returning TRUE (exited)') if @result == true #log('dataIn: returning FALSE (exited)') if @result == false return @result end end def dataOut log('dataOut Entered:') if @state == SendReady case @direction when DCEtoGSD #Send GSD String @work = @protocolObject.gsdout log('dataOut: Setting @state to Receive Ready') @state = ReceiveReady when GSDtoDCE @work = @protocolObject.dceout if @work.class.to_s == 'Command' #check for valid Object (returns nil if not ready) if @work.devidto_ == @work.devidfrom_ #check for command to self log('Detected attempting to send to self') @work.devdata_[999] = @serialNumber #this command is to self. Serialize it. end end log('dataOut: Setting @state to Complete') @state = Complete #DCE does not send responses. (yet) else log('Attempted DataOut with uninitialized Object') @state = Failed @work = nil end log('dataOut: Returning @work') return @work else log('This command is not ready to send.') end log('DataOut Exited:') end def timeout #called ONLY when @state == ReceiveReady @result = false #returns TRUE if command times out. @timeoutCounter +=1 #ticker += 1 if @timeoutCounter == $timeout #global variable defined in init. @timeoutCounter = 0 #reset ticker @timeoutRetries += 1 #increment Retries.. if @timeoutRetries == $retryAttempts #global variable defined in init. @state = Failed @result = true else log('Attempt:' + (@timeoutRetries + 1).to_s) if @state == ReceiveReady @state = SendReady end end end log('Tick...') return @result end def state return @state end def direction() return @direction end def responseNeeded() return @protocolObject.responseNeeded end def commandHolder() #This is a holder of self. Used when inserting another command. #allow only ONE command to be returned. @holder = @protocolObject.commandHolder if @holder != nil if @newCommandSent == false #we can send the command here. @newCommandSent = true return @holder end end return nil end def threaded return @protocolObject.threaded end # def packCommand(value) # this is used by protocolObject to pack a command. # if value.class.to_s == 'Command' # #packing a DCE Object.. # self.dcein(value) # #override the direction... # @direction = GSDtoDCE # #flag the command ready to be sent. # @sendReady = true # end # if value.class.to_s == 'String' # #packing a GSD object # self.gsdin(value) # #override the direction... # @direction = DCEtoGSD # #flag the command ready to be sent. # @sendReady = true # end # end # def hasNewCommand() # return @hasNewCommand # end def log(line) #support method. @log ="/var/log/pluto/" + $me.deviceid.to_s + "_Generic_Serial_Device.log", "a") @log.putc '('[0] @log.putc 'C'[0] @log.putc 'o'[0] @log.putc 'm'[0] @log.putc 'm'[0] @log.putc 'a'[0] @log.putc 'n'[0] @log.putc 'd'[0] @log.putc ')'[0] @l = line.to_s @l.each_byte{|ch| @log.putc ch if ch == 60 @log.putc 32 end } @log.puts @log.close @log = nil end end ##################### ### PLCBUS OBJECT ### ##################### # This is a generic replaceable object # This object needs the following methods: # # Initialize() # # What it does: # any Object initialization you may need. # # When is this called: # Upon Object creation. # # What you will get: # nothing. # # What you will return: # nothing. # # # dceCommandIn(cmd) # # What is does: # sends you a command object to allow you to create gsdOut(). # # What you will get: # cmd (Command Object) # # What you need to return: # nothing (ignored) # # When you will get this: # executed when a new DCE command is sent to you. # # # dceResponseIn(cmd) # # What it does: # Sends you a DCE object to compare with the command. # # What you will get: # cmd (Command Object) # # What you need to return: # TRUE if you accept this response. # FALSE if you do NOT accept this response. # # When you will get this: # executed when a new DCE response is ready. # # # gsdCommandIn(value) # # What it does: # sends you a String to allow you to create a dceOut(). # # What you will get: # value (String Object) # # What you need to return: # nothing (ignored) # # When you will get this: # executed when a new GSD command is sent to you. # # # gsdResponseIn(value) # # What it does: # Sends you a GSD Response to compare with the command. # What you will get: # cmd (Command Object) # # What you need to return: # TRUE if you accept this response. # FALSE if you do NOT accept this response. # # When you will get this: # executed when a new GSD response is ready. # # dceout() # # What it does: # Creates a Command Object to send to DCE. # # What you will get: # nothing. # # What you need to return: # a Command Object representing the previous gsdCommandIn. # # When is this called: # After a gsdCommandIn has been sent. # gsdout() # # What it does: # creates a String Object to send to GSD. # # What you will get: # nothing. # # What you will return: # a String Object representing the previous dceCommandIn. # # When is this called: # After a dceCommandIn has been sent. # # # Properties: # # @responseAccepted # # What it does: # signals that the current response is accepted as valid. # # When you should set this: # # @responseNeeded # # What it does: # signals when you need a response. # # @commandHolder # # What it does: # If you need to create a new command, this is the holder for it. # class PLCBUS attr_reader :responseAccepted, :responseNeeded, :commandHolder, :threaded #Conatants: STX=0x02.chr ETX=0x03.chr HomeCodes = {'A'=>0b0000,'B'=>0b0001,'C'=>0b0010,'D'=>0b0011,'E'=>0b0100,'F'=>0b0101,'G'=>0b0110,'H'=>0b0111,'I'=>0b1000,'J'=>0b1001,'K'=>0b1010,'L'=>0b1011,'M'=>0b1100,'N'=>0b1101,'O'=>0b1110,'P'=>0b1111} UnitCodes = {'1'=>0b0000,'2'=>0b0001,'3'=>0b0010,'4'=>0b0011,'5'=>0b0100,'6'=>0b0101,'7'=>0b0110,'8'=>0b0111,'9'=>0b1000,'10'=>0b1001,'11'=>0b1010,'12'=>0b1011,'13'=>0b1100,'14'=>0b1101,'15'=>0b1110,'16'=>0b1111} CommandFunctions = {0x00=>'ALL UNIT OFF',0x01=>'ALL LTS ON',0x02=>'ON',0x03=>'OFF',0x04=>'DIM',0x05=>'BRIGHT',0x06=>'ALL LIGHT OFF',0x07=>'ALL USER LTS ON',0x08=>'ALL USER UNIT OFF',0x09=>'ALL USER LIGHT OFF',0x0A=>'BLINK',0x0B=>'FADE STOP',0x0C=>'PRESETDIM',0x0D=>'STATUS ON',0x0E=>'STATUS OFF',0x0F=>'STATUS REQ',0x10=>'(R)MASTER ADDRS SETUP',0x11=>'(T)MASTER ADDRS SETUP', 0x12=>'SCENES ADDRS SETUP',0x13=>'SCENES ADDRS ERASE',0x14=>'ALL SCENES ADDRS ERASE',0x15=>'FOR FUTURE',0x16=>'FOR FUTURE',0x17=>'FOR FUTURE',0x18=>'GET SIGNAL STRENGTH',0x19=>'GET NOISE STRENGTH',0x1A=>'REPORT SIGNAL STRENGTH',0x1B=>'REPORT NOISE STRENGTH',0x1C=>'GET ALL ID PULSE',0x1D=>'GET ONLY ON ID PULSE',0x1E=>'REPORT ALL ID PULSE',0x1F=>'REPORT ONLY ON PULSE'} def initialize() # declare gsd variables @home = 0 #these two varianles determine the TO or FROM address @unit = 0 #these two variables determine the TO or FROM address @command = 0 @usercode = $me.devdata[59].to_i #@cmdReprq = $me.devdata[260] #3Phase on Dan's system @cmdReprq = $me.devdata[249] #3Phase on Hari's system @data1 = 0 @data2 = 0 @cmdAckPulse = false @cmdLink = false #declare DCE variables @dceto = 0 @dcefrom = 0 @dcepriority = 0 @dcecmdtype = 0 @dcecmdid = 0 @dceparams = {} @responseNeeded = false @responseAccepted = false @gsdparams = {} #@gsdparams[120] = '1' # hack to force command is useless... @commandHolder = nil #log('Leaving Initialize') @threaded = true end def dceCommandIn(cmd) log('dceCommandIn Entered:') @dcehomeunit = $devices[cmd.devidto_].devdata[12][0..1] @dcehome = HomeCodes[$devices[cmd.devidto_].devdata[12][0].chr].to_s @dceunit = UnitCodes[$devices[cmd.devidto_].devdata[12][1].chr].to_s @dcefrom = cmd.devidfrom_ @dceto = cmd.devidto_ @dcepriority = cmd.priority_ @dcecmdtype = cmd.type_ @dcecmdid = cmd.id_ @dceparams = cmd.params_ end def dceResponseIn(cmd) # Returns TRUE if response is accepted. log('dceResponseIn Entered:') log(cmd.inspect) return true #ignored in PLCBUS end def gsdCommandIn(value) log('gsdCommandIn Entered:') debug('Value:', value) @gsdusercode = value[2] @gsdhomeunit = ("%X" %value[3]) @gsdhome = @gsdhomeunit[0].chr @gsdunit = @gsdhomeunit[1].chr @gsdcommand = value[4] @gsdcmdAckPulse = true if (value[4] & 0x20) == 0x20 @gsdcmdReprq = true if (value[4] & 0x40) == 0x40 @gsdcmdLink = true if (value[4] & 0x80) == 0x80 @gsddata1 = value[5] @gsddata2 = value[6] if value[1] == 6 rxtxSwitchRegister(value[7]) #set switches if they exist end end def gsdResponseIn(value) #returns TRUE if response is accepted. #no need to store response.. just compare. #negative logic here @result = true #log('gsdResponseIn Entered:') #debug('Value:', value) if @usercode == value[2] #log('Usercode Check!') else log('Usercode compare failed') @result = false end if dcehomeunit[0] == value[3] #log('Home and Unit CHECK!') else log('Home and Unit compare failed') @result = false end if dcecommand(@dcecmdid)[0] == value[4] #log('PLCBus Command CHECK!') else log('PLCBus Command compare failed') @result = false end if value[1] == 6 #log('Setting rxtxRegister') rxtxSwitchRegister(value[7]) else log('no rxtxRegister') @result = false end #log('gsdResponseIn returning TRUE') if @result == true #log('gsdResponseIn returning FALSE') if @result == false return @result end def dceout # Returns the GSD values as a DCE command. @myfrom = gsdhomeunit if @myfrom == 0 log('I DONT KNOW THIS DEVICE ID') else @mycommandout = gsdcommand log('IN PLCBUS:DCEOUT') log(' From: ' + @myfrom.to_s) log(' To: -1001') log(' Priority: 1') log(' CmdType: 2') log(' CmdId: ' + @mycommandout.to_s) log('Devdata Below:') @gsdparams.each_pair{|k,v| log(' devdata_[' + k.to_s + '] = ' + v) } @cmdout =, -1001, 1, 2, @mycommandout) @gsdparams.each_pair{|k,v| @cmdout.params_[k]=v} # @responseNeeded = false # @responseAccepted = true return @cmdout end end def gsdout # Returns the DCE values as a gsd string #log('IN PLCBUS:GSDOUT') log('SETTING THREADING to FALSE in PLCBUS:GSDOUT:') @threaded = false @gsdout = @usercode.chr @gsdout += dcehomeunit + dcecommand(@dcecmdid) + @data1.chr + @data2.chr @gsdout = @gsdout.length.chr + @gsdout @gsdout = STX + @gsdout + ETX #debug('Data Out', @gsdout) return @gsdout end def checkResponse(cmd) #old?? fired when a response was accepted. log('WARNING: CheckResponse was CALLED') # #this routine needs to set ONE flag: # #responseNeeded (true/false) if we need more data # if cmd.class.to_s == 'String' # #we are checking a GSD command. # # end # if cmd.class == Command # #we are checking a DCE command. # if @r_ack_sw == true # #here is a good place to check the data1 and data2 values # #to make sure the proper device responded. # # # #PLCBUS command complete # log('Received Ack from PLCBUS device.') # @responseNeeded = false # # attempt to set device info here. # case @dcecmdid # when 192 # ON # $devices[@dceto].onoff = "ON" # if $devices[@dceto].level != 100 # $devices[@dceto].level = 100 # log('HAVE TO SEND A SETLEVEL=100') # end # when 193 # OFF # $devices[@dceto].onoff = "OFF" # if $devices[@dceto].level != 0 # $devices[@dceto].level = 0 # log('HAVE TO SEND A SETLEVEL = 0') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # @commandHolder = # #pack a new DCE command with the Event.. # @mycmd =, @dceto, 1, 1, 184) # @mycmd.params_[76] = '0' # @commandHolder.packCommand(@mycmd) # # end # when 184 # SetLevel # if @dceparams[76].to_i == 0 # #dimming to OFF # if $devices[@dceto].onoff == 'ON' # log('HAVE TO SEND AN OFF to DCE') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # @commandHolder = # #pack a new DCE command with the Event.. # @mycmd =, -1001, 1, 2, 40) # @mycmd.params_[10] = '0' # @commandHolder.packCommand(@mycmd) # # # # #@commandHolder =, -1001, 1, 2, 40) # #@commandHolder.params_[10] = '0' # $devices[@dceto].onoff = 'OFF' # # end # # else # #dimming to ON # if $devices[@dceto].onoff == 'OFF' # log('HAVE TO SEND AN ON to DCE') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # log('**************************') # @commandHolder = # @mycmd =, -1001, 1, 2, 40) # @mycmd.params_[10] = '1' # @commandHolder.packCommand(@mycmd) # #@commandHolder =, -1001, 1, 2, 40) # #@commandHolder.params_[10] = '1' # # $devices[@dceto].onoff = 'ON' # end # end # $devices[@dceto].level = @dceparams[76].to_i # end # log('Device:' + @dceto.to_s) # log('on/off:' + $devices[@dceto].onoff) # log(' level:' + $devices[@dceto].level.to_s) # end # if @r_itself == true # #heard myself send the response. # log('I heard myself send the command properly.') # @responseNeeded = true # end # # end @responseAccepted = true end #Support Routines for PLCBUX def dcecommand(value) #DCE value is DCE Command. #user code is in devdata[59] Configuration #devdata[250] 3phase (boolean) @work = 0 #log('DCE Command is' + value.to_s) case value when 192 #ON @cmdLink = false @cmdReprq = false @cmdAckPulse = true @data1 = 0 #Fade Rate @work = 0x80 if @cmdling == true @work += 0x40 if @cmdReprq == true @work += 0x20 if @cmdAckPulse == true @command =@work + CommandFunctions.index("ON") when 193 #OFF @cmdLink = false @cmdReprq = false @cmdAckPulse = true @data1 = 0 #Fade Rate @work = 0x80 if @cmdling == true @work += 0x40 if @cmdReprq == true @work += 0x20 if @cmdAckPulse == true @command =@work + CommandFunctions.index("OFF") when 184 # SETLEVEL @cmdLink = false @cmdReprq = false @cmdAckPulse = true @data1 = @dceparams[76].to_i #dim level @data2 = 2 #Fade Rate @work = 0x80 if @cmdling == true @work += 0x40 if @cmdReprq == true @work += 0x20 if @cmdAckPulse == true @data2 = 2#Fade Rate @command =@work + CommandFunctions.index("PRESETDIM") end #how convert it into a integer - currently it a HEX string. #log('PLC Command is:' + @command.to_s + 'DECIMAL') return @command.chr end def gsdcommand #returns DCE EVENT!! and compiles params #log('IN DCECommand') case CommandFunctions[@gsdcommand] when 'ALL UNIT OFF' @gsdparams[10] = '0' return 48 when 'ALL LTS ON' @gsdparams[10] = '1' return 48 when 'ON' @gsdparams[10] = '1' return 48 when 'OFF' @gsdparams[10] = '0' return 48 when 'DIM' @gsdparams[10] = @gsddata1 # set Brightness return 48 when 'BRIGHT' @gsdparams[10] = @gsddata1 # set Brightness return 48 when 'ALL LIGHT OFF' @gsdparams[10] = '0' return 48 when 'ALL USER LTS ON' @gsdparams[10] = '1' return 48 when 'ALL USER UNIT OFF' @gsdparams[10] = '0' return 48 when 'ALL USER LIGHT OFF' @gsdparams[10] = '0' return 48 when 'BLINK' when 'FADE STOP' when 'PRESETDIM' @gsdparams[10] = @gsddata1 return 48 when 'STATUS ON' when 'STATUS OFF' when 'STATUS REQ' when '(R)MASTER ADDRS SETUP' when '(T)MASTER ADDRS SETUP' when 'SCENES ADDRS SETUP' when 'SCENES ADDRS ERASE' when 'ALL SCENES ADDRS ERASE' when 'FOR FUTURE' when 'GET SIGNAL STRENGTH' when 'GET NOISE STRENGTH' when 'REPORT SIGNAL STRENGTH' when 'REPORT NOISE STRENGTH' when 'GET ALL ID PULSE' when 'GET ONLY ON ID PULSE' when 'REPORT ALL ID PULSE' when 'REPORT ONLY ON PULSE' else log('UNKNOWN COMMAND RESPONSE in PLCBUS OBJECT') return 0 end end def dcehomeunit() # returns GSD homeunit byte from DCE homeunit @work = @dcehome + @dceunit return (@work.hex.chr) end def gsdhomeunit() #returns DCE Child ID from gsd homeunit #@gsdhomeunit holds the data @work = HomeCodes.index(@gsdhomeunit[0].chr.to_i) @work += UnitCodes.index(@gsdhomeunit[1].chr.to_i) return $devices.find(@work) end def rxtxSwitchRegister(value) #log('setting RX_TX_SWITCH') if (value & 0x40) == 0x40 #log('r_id_sw is set') @r_id_sw = true else #log('r_id_sw is reset') @r_id_sw = false end if (value & 0x20) == 0x20 #log('r_ack_sw is set') @r_ack_sw = true @responseNeeded = false else #log('ResponseNeeded set to TRUE') @responseNeeded = true #log('r_ack_sw is reset') @r_ack_sw = false end if (value & 0x10) == 0x10 #log('r_itself is set') @r_itself = true log('I heard myself Transmit this command on the PLCBUS.') else #log('r_itself is reset') @r_itself = false log('This Command is transmitted from an OUTSIDE SOURCE!') end if (value & 0x8) == 0x8 #log('r_risc is set') @r_risc = true else #log('r_risc is reset') @r_risc = false end if (value & 0x4) == 0x4 #log('r_sw is set') @r_sw = true else #log('r_sw is reset') @r_sw = false end end #Generic Support Routines def log(line) @log ="/var/log/pluto/" + $me.deviceid.to_s + "_Generic_Serial_Device.log", "a") @log.putc '('[0] @log.putc 'P'[0] @log.putc 'L'[0] @log.putc 'C'[0] @log.putc ')'[0] @l = line.to_s @l.each_byte{|ch| @log.putc ch if ch == 60 @log.putc 32 end } @log.puts @log.close @log = nil end def debug(label, text) work = label + ":" for c in 1..text.length work += padhex("%X" %text[c-1]) + ' ' end log(BLUE + work + "Length:" + text.length.to_s + GREY) end def padhex(hex) if hex.length==1 hex = "0" + hex end return hex end end