Software components
From LinuxMCE
LinuxMCE Home Software Sections
Since independent programmers are welcome to make contributions, the software modules in LinuxMCE are provided by both the LinuxMCE team and our community of independent programmers. In this documentation, the software modules are categorized based on their source.
Software written by the LinuxMCE developers:
- Core Programs
- Libraries
- Utilities
- DCE Devices and Plug-ins
Software written by the community (3rd party modules):
- Plug-ins
- DCE Devices and Utilities
Following are links to the sections of the documentation that provide details about the individual software modules, and explain how to use, configure, or program them.
LinuxMCE software components index
DCE Router
User's manual
DCE Router Programmer's Guide
Orbiter and Mobile Orbiter
LinuxMCE Kick-Start
LinuxMCE Orbiter Symbian
BD - Bidirectional command processor
RA - Client/Server Request-Action
LinuxMCE Libraries DCE
- Does the device Implement DCE?
- Understanding Controlled Via (aka Parent)
- Categories
- Make a DCE Device in 5 minutes
- Why DCE complements UPNP, XAP, XPL and other standards?
- Plain Text DCE Messages
Pluto_main database
Orbiter Generator
DCE Generator
DHCP Plug and Play
LinuxMCE Scripts
Do I want a dedicated Core?